Sunday, March 15, 2020

Limited Outreach

In 2014, I started a short-term blog, thinking about what it was like to revisit Vienna, Austria after 40 years away. I like this form: a bounded blog, responding to something specific, from different angles. This is first page of that early effort.

I'd like to try this again, with this "hunkering down" exercise imposed upon us by the novel coronavirus. As the state and the society impose or suggest new limits on how we all can move, to keep the herd safe, I notice new things and have new thoughts. I am guessing that there might be an audience for these impressions. I have been teaching ethics and trying to establish video as a medium of education most of my adult life, and this new era reminds me of old questions and gives me new things to think about. Also, I am so curious about how other people are responding. Perhaps my postings will provoke similar efforts at outreach.